Reduced administration fees for visual arts members

July 19, 2018

The merger of the Copyright Agency and Viscopy, on 30 November 2017, has led to a reduction in the administration fee for visual arts licences.

The reduction applies from 1 January 2018.

Copyright Agency’s administration fee varies slightly from year to year and is currently:

  • On income from ‘statutory’ licence fees collected by Copyright Agency and Screenrights: 15.4%
  • On income from our international partners (which is only deducted if your art is reproduced internationally and income is collected overseas): 15.4%
  • On income from visual arts licences in Australia and New Zealand, invoiced since 1 January 2018: 15.4%
  • On income from visual arts licences in Australia and New Zealand, invoiced before 1 January 2018: 25%

The administration fee includes a 1.5% contribution to the Cultural Fund, which provides grants to creative individuals and arts organisations.


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