I do large-scale paintings that relate the minutiae of the natural world to the abstract dimensions of geology and the earth’s dynamic ecosystems. Or to put it less grandiosely, I spend my time camping all over the continent painting country.

I went to art school in London and studied printmaking in Paris a long time ago. I keep creating because I have this passion to reveal the power and beauty of nature and by doing so, I attempt to persuade our abhorrent species to stop destroying its underlying systems.

I want to do work that celebrates the variety and unique nature of water forms in Australia: from mangrove swamps to flood plains in the desert. I work to bring out the fine detail in rich watercolour washes to create a collage of elements and markings I feel I make ‘in collaboration’ with the natural environment. By working this way, I subvert traditional approaches to how Australian landscapes are depicted.

I want to celebrate the beauty of the Australian wilderness and encourage an understanding of the significance and environmental fragility of these remote and little-known sites.

Copyright allows me to keep going. I love those little and big payments.