Cultural Fund supports Indigenous printmaking program

March 26, 2018

More than 20 Indigenous artists from far north Queensland were trained in new printmaking techniques through a series of workshops run over the past two months.

Cairns artist collective Kickarts ran the residential printmaking with support from the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund, and facilitated by the Lockhart River Arts Indigenous Corporation, Mirndiyan Gununa on Mornington Island, Moa Arts, Wei’num Arts and the Western Cape Indigenous Arts Hub.

Master printmaker Dian Darmansjah from Firebox Print Studio ran the workshops which explored techniques in lino, intalgio and monoprinting.

“There’s no real access for the artists in far north Queensland, outside the program we’re running, to have this type of opportunity,” he says. “The more time an artist can get in the studio, the better.”

Wei’num Arts centre artist Margarat Mara, says: “This has been a really wonderful experience to be able to mix with other artists and to feed off each other. To be able to come here and completely concentrate on your artwork is really good because in community, you’re often distracted by family and other commitments.”

A key objective of the program was to give artists the opportunity to develop their professional skills and create market-ready editioned artworks. They also gained the confidence to return to their respective art centres and share their newfound knowledge with other artists in their remote communities.

“This program is really unique and even I am learning something new through each and every workshop,” Mr Darmansjah said.

The Cultural Fund supports creative organisations and individuals to produce, award, present, publish, and promote work by Australian creators that connects with audiences.

Applications for the Ignite program (for early career artists) close on 20 April 2018.

Applications for creative organisations close on 7 May 2018.

Applications for the Create program (for mid-career artists) close on 18 June 2018.

For more information and to apply, see

Photos courtesy of Kickarts