Legally constituted Australian organisations and incorporated associations may apply for Cultural Fund grants for organisations. Individuals and sole traders are not eligible to apply for these grants and should instead look to our website for Grants for Individuals and Fellowships for funding opportunities.
Applicants may submit one application per funding round provided they have acquitted any overdue or outstanding Cultural Fund grants.
My organisation is based overseas, can I still apply?
- Yes, if you are an Australian-owned organisation. Generally, the Cultural Fund does not fund international organisations.
Do you accept applications from organisations which are not legally constituted?
- No, the Cultural Fund grants are intended for legally constituted organisations
My organisation is interested in applying for ongoing support for a triennial project. Are we eligible for a Cultural Fund grant?
- The Cultural Fund’s grants for organisations are for a single project for up to a year
What support material is required with my application?
- You may submit one PDF of support material with your application via the online SmartyGrants system. This may include information on your organisation and key staff, a draft program of proposed activities or letters of support.
- Please note there is a 5MB size limit.
What kind of projects are supported by the Cultural Fund?
The Cultural Fund’s priorities are:
- Commissions and paid opportunities for writers and visual artists through audience development projects
- Targeted leadership and sector development projects for the writing, publishing and visual arts sectors
- To complement Reading Australia, we are interested in supporting targeted writers-in-schools programs for Australian writers whose work is featured on Reading Australia or is used in the classroom
Projects for professional development programs (including mentorships, masterclasses, and workshops) are no longer eligible for support. Please refer to the Grants for Organsiations webpage for more information.
- Please see Activities Supported – Organisations for more information
- This is not a definitive list, so if you are unsure about whether your project is eligible we encourage you to contact the Cultural Fund for clarification
- Also, please see Activities NOT Supported – Organisations.
Do you support theatre companies to present new work?
- The Cultural Fund supports theatre companies to provide opportunities for playwrights, for example, the payment of a commission fee to the playwright, provided the theatre company agrees to produce and present the work
- We do not support operational costs
Does the Cultural Fund support performing arts projects?
- The Cultural Fund supports playwrights and theatre companies with commissions for playwrights
Does the Cultural Fund support art galleries?
- We do not provide support for exhibition openings or exhibition costs, nor for administration, overhead, or marketing costs
- However, our funding may be directed towards artist fees
Does the Cultural Fund support the international publication of work?
- No, the Cultural Fund supports Australian-owned/based publishers with commissioning fees for creative writers
- We do not support individuals to self-publish their work in Australia or internationally
How much money can I apply for?
- Our grants range from $10,000 to $30,000 per project/year
- Applicants are encouraged to contact the Cultural Fund before applying
Our grants are very competitive and we receive a large number of applications from organisations. To see a list of projects previously funded, and how much funding was provided, you can refer to our website.
Please note: The Cultural Fund committee will sometimes part-fund a program, however we prefer to fully fund a project to guarantee success.
When are Cultural Fund grants available?
- Two rounds of grants for organisations are offered each year
- For funding guidelines and application dates, please refer to our website
Does the Cultural Fund support travel and accommodation expenses?
- Organisations who are presenting significant promotions of Australian writing or visual arts may apply for travel and accommodation costs for participating writers and visual artists