Copyright Agency goes to DAAF
August 29, 2023
The Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair is an annual celebration of Indigenous art and culture. This year Copyright Agency’s Visual Arts team had the privilege of taking part of this fantastic art fair that showcased the best of the First Nations culture from 11 -13 of August 2023 at the Darwin Convention Centre.
Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund also supported the artist talks program called ‘Story Lines, DAAF Open Studios’. Solomon Booth from Moa Arts and Joey Laifoo from Gab Titui (Badu Island) talked about their unique printmaking techniques. James Ahmat Sr from Gab Titui (Badu Island) and Owen Yalandja from Maningrida Arts and Culture also gave us a glimpse of how they carve their art. Regina Wilson from Durrmu Arts and Jimmy Thaiday from Erub Arts also spoke about their weaving skills and how they turned those into colourful, eye-catching pieces.
Apart from seeing beautiful works and jaw-dropping performances by talented artists, the Visual Arts Team also had the opportunity to get up close and personal with our members, both artists and art centres, to show our continuous support for their passion.