October 22, 2015

Visual Artist Research Initiative Launched

The Copyright Agency | Viscopy today launched a independent research project, Voice of the Artist, to find out more about the extent to which visual artists have been impacted – either positively or negatively – by the online environment. The will be first in Australia and New Zealand to more deeply explore the intersection between visual […]

October 12, 2015

Campaign encourages councils to take a licence

In a new campaign, the Copyright Agency is working with local councils to increase their copyright compliance. We have identified Councils who have taken copyright licences as leading the way in terms of governance standards and ensuring the free-flow of information within and outside the council. Councils who take a licence are also supporting local […]


October 7, 2015

UN initiative will transform the lives of millions of readers

It’s a sad fact that over 93% of books in the world are not published in accessible formats for blind, visually impaired or print disabled readers. In June 2013, the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) adopted the Marrakesh Treaty to help solve this book famine which has become a human rights issue. Australia has signed […]

October 6, 2015

Celebrating education publishing excellence in Australia

Technology is now enabling educational publishers to create resources that deliver personalised learning to students. Discovering and nurturing the talent within each student is the new paradigm in the classroom and Australian publishers’ are offering innovative products and solutions that equip students with the skills they will need in the new digital economy. Each year […]

September 25, 2015

The Namatjira Professional Development Project

Drawing inspiration from the Western Aranda people of the Central Australian Desert and their magnificent country, Big hART have developed The Namatjira Project. A diverse arts project that celebrates the life and work of acclaimed watercolour artist, Albert Namatjira. With funding from the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund, the project brought to life the Namatjira Professional Development Program […]

September 16, 2015

South Australian Author Awarded Copyright Agency J.M. Coetzee Writing Fellowship

South Australian author Dr Cath Kenneally has been awarded $30,000 as the first Copyright Agency J.M. Coetzee Writing Fellow at the University of Adelaide. Made possible with funding from the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund, the fellowship will provide Dr Kenneally a six-month residency at the J.M. Coetzee Centre for Creative Practice (at the University of […]

September 15, 2015

How technology can solve the copyright wars

By Copyright Hub CEO, Dominic Young A million years ago I was a lowly worm at the biggest national newspaper in London. My job was to sell content from the newspapers to clients around the world. Typically, someone would phone up, having seen, say, a photo in the paper, and ask if they could buy […]

September 14, 2015

Copyright Agency awards inaugural Author Fellowship

The Copyright Agency has awarded its inaugural $40,000 Author Fellowship to Mark Henshaw. The announcement was made at the Australian Society of Authors Congress dinner on Friday, 11 September 2015. According to The Sydney Morning Herald, Mr Henshaw chose a career as a curator at the National Gallery over the penurious writer’s life, despite his first […]