July 10, 2018

Member survey results 2018

Results of our 2018 member and stakeholder survey are in and we’d like to thank those who participated.  The survey allows us to understand what we are doing well for members and identify areas for improvement. Overall, the results indicate that members have high levels of engagement (82%) and that 81% of members are very […]

July 10, 2018

Copyright Agency Board Elections

Three directly-elected positions on the Copyright Agency’s Board come up for election this year – that of Publisher Director, Author Director and Visual Artist Director. The three incumbents, publisher Jane Curry, journalist Adele Ferguson and visual artist Dr Oliver Watts, have all indicated they will nominate again for the positions. Members can also nominate for […]

July 10, 2018

New Teacher Fellowship announced

The Copyright Agency has today announced the first-ever Reading Australia Fellowship for Teachers of English and Literacy worth $15,000. The announcement was made at the premier English and literacy teachers’ conference in Perth, the AATE/ALEA National conference, sponsored by Copyright Agency. Copyright Agency CEO, Adam Suckling, says, “It is incredibly important we support the professional […]

July 3, 2018

Parliamentary event lauds authors

The winner of the Miles Franklin Award in 2017, Josephine Wilson, spoke at the recent Australian Parliamentary Friends of Books and Writers event at Parliament House Canberra on Monday 18 June 2018. The event, which was co-chaired by Senator Linda Reynolds and Graham Perrett MP, introduced four of the six authors who have been shortlisted […]

June 29, 2018

Copyright Agency payments to Journalists

The Copyright Agency has just made payments to more than 4,000 print journalists who shared licensing fees collected from educational institutions, governments (excluding NSW), corporations and associations. The agency, in conjunction with the MEAA, has previously asked print journalists for information about where their articles have appeared and will do so again later this year […]

June 28, 2018

Anita Heiss and Kate Vasili feature at librarian conference

The Copyright Agency, the Australian Publishers Association and the Australian Society of Authors are sponsoring the Gala Dinner at the Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference from 30 July to 2 August 2018 on the Gold Coast. A pre-dinner cocktail event will feature the author and academic Dr Anita Heiss and the Copyright Officer from London’s […]

June 28, 2018

Academics in the news

The 2017 Miles Franklin winner, Josephine Wilson, a sessional academic working at University of Western Australia, Murdoch and Curtin Universities, received Copyright Agency Cultural Fund support firstly when her manuscript for Extinctions won the inaugural $10,000 Dorothy Hewett Award in 2016. As a Miles Franklin shortlister, she (and the other shortlisted authors) each received $5,000 from […]

June 28, 2018

Cultural Fund grants for Unis and academics

The Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund has granted tens of millions of dollars to the academic community since inception. In the last decade, we’ve provided millions to universities through programs such as: Deakin University’s research into adolescent reading habits UNSW Press’s Bragg Prize for best Australian science writing Griffith University’s Griffith Review UTS and Uni of […]