December 13, 2017
Strathfield Council in Sydney has issued an apology and agreed to pay damages for infringing the copyright of newspaper publishers and others. The Council has also purchased a Copyright Agency licence in recognition of the role grassroots journalism plays in providing valuable information to its operations. Copyright Agency’s CEO, Adam Suckling says. “In 2015 the […]
December 12, 2017
In Australia, copyright and the Resale Royalty Right in most cases lasts for 70 years after an artist’s date of death. This means that having a will is imperative for artists to ensure your intellectual property is passed on according to your wishes, and to assist your beneficiaries in effectively managing, and benefiting from, these […]
December 11, 2017
This opinion piece was published in The Australian newspaper today. By Kim Williams AM The issues of copyright and respect for creators is a great policy challenge in Australian creative life. The rights of creators are under siege on many fronts: no consideration to who loses out when books, music, TV or films are illegally […]
December 7, 2017
South Australian arts organisation, Guildhouse, received $16,000 from the Cultural Fund in 2016 to develop and expand its Collections Project. The program provides artists the opportunity to work with the collections of cultural organisations like the Art Gallery of South Australia, the Flinders University Art Museum and the Botanic Gardens of South Australia to create […]
December 6, 2017
The following speech on creativity was delivered by acclaimed author Richard Flanagan at the Copyright Agency’s end-of-year event in Sydney, 30 November 2017. “In 1964 a rising young Labor politician called Gough Whitlam told a senate enquiry that there was no such thing as a publishing industry in Australia. In 1964 an Australian living in […]
December 6, 2017
Compliance with the Code of Conduct The report by the Code Reviewer on collecting societies’ compliance with the Code of Conduct in 2016–17 is now available here. Each annual report on compliance looks at, among other things, Copyright Agency’s management of complaints. Copyright Agency provided information to the Code Reviewer on four matters that are […]
December 6, 2017
Following the successful decades-long campaign for the return of artist Albert Namatjira’s copyright, the Namatjira Legacy Trust has enlisted the Copyright Agency to manage the licensing rights of the renowned artist internationally. The rights now reside with the Namatjira Legacy Trust, which represents the Namatjira family, and was established as part of a long-term project […]
December 5, 2017
On 1 December 2017, the Copyright Agency Board agreed to several beneficial changes to member policies. These changes will: assist early resolution of competing claims by different members to an allocated amount and enable funds held in suspense to be paid; change our member terms for new members to make clear that our licensees can, […]