July 28, 2017

Jimi Bani’s new theatrical work debuts in Queensland

“Mabuiag Island: a remote speck in the sparkling blue of the Torres Strait. Thousands of years of rich history and culture, with just a few hundred people keeping its flame. Now its favourite son is joking in three languages with his grandmother and torturing his son with spontaneous public break-dancing…” So begins the prelude to […]

July 24, 2017

Australia’s oldest independent indigenous publisher celebrates 30th anniversary

Thirty years ago, Aboriginal leaders decided an organisation would be established to protect the rights of traditional storytellers and artists. Since then, Magabala Books has quietly but determinedly built a solid reputation by supporting indigenous writers and illustrators across all genres, with a special focus on nurturing emerging talent.  The Copyright Agency has been a long […]

July 21, 2017

A quick update on copyright

Things change rapidly in the world of copyright. Here’s a quick roundup of all the latest news. Who stands to gain from Oz copyright changes? Copyright Agency Board member, journalist Chris Pash, revealed in a Business Insider article the interests and alliances that stand to gain from proposed changes to Australian copyright law. He writes: […]

Gail Mabo artist stall. Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, 2017

July 20, 2017

Innovation to be recognised at forthcoming Cairns Arts Fair

The Copyright Agency has sponsored an Innovation Award for an artist worth $10,000 at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, held from 13-16 July. The award is one of five being introduced at the Fair for the first time this year. CIAF’s Artistic Director, Janina Harding said the awards have been introduced to reflect the not-for-profit […]

July 20, 2017

Ethics makes a comeback

When the banking industry started to work to raise the moral and ethical standards of banking and finance through the not-for-profit Banking and Finance Oath, the Copyright Agency was keen to play a part. The Agency’s Good Copyright Governance program recognises industries which secure licences for copyright content and this includes banking and finance. Copyright Agency’s Senior […]

July 14, 2017

Daughter of Eddie Mabo wins inaugural innovation award at Cairns Indigenous Art fair

On Thursday 13 July 2017 Queensland’s Indigenous artists and organisations were recognised among peers at the opening night of the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF). Included in the prizes awarded for excellence and emerging talent was the inaugural Award for Innovation, a $10,000 prize sponsored by Copyright Agency | Viscopy, which this year went to […]

July 11, 2017

Lesson from Canada’s copyright blunder

This Letter to the Editor, appeared in The Australian Financial Review on 11 July 2017 Thank goodness for the Australian Association for the Teaching of English and its logical, progressive view on strong copyright law (“Copyright changes are risky, say English teachers” July 7). In Canada, most educational groups succumbed to the siren call of […]

July 10, 2017

Australian creators to receive $1.3 million from the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund

Grants for 56 projects have just been announced including funding for the development of more than 15 new Australian plays and the inaugural Australian Reading Hour in September. The Stella Prize, the Melbourne Writers Festival and the National Young Writers Festival are also beneficiaries of grants just announced by the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund. In […]